At Neubauer’s Flowers, we’ve always got the scent of flowers perfuming our workspace, so we can personally attest to how uplifting it can be. And since our sense of smell is so powerful (ask the scientists) and helps us make strong emotional associations, it’s important not to overlook this glorious feature of flowers. Not all blooms are created equal when it comes to the fragrance of course, but rest assured, all of them do have their own distinct aroma.
Probably two of the most popular flowers for scent are Roses and Stargazer Lilies, which when brought together in a vase create an enchanting perfume that you can’t help but want to put your nose into. Along with the visual appeal these two bold-looking beauties make, each one is just as alluring to our olfactory sense.
When we design with scent in mind, we end up with something like this piece, which is aromatic enough to place on a dining room table or in an area where you’re looking to scent a larger space. You’ll want to get close to take in the beauty of each flower, and you’ll be enticed to do so partially because of how good they smell. What better way to signal that spring is almost here than to make it an olfactory association?