A burst of white against deep, rich hues can be the fresh twist your decorating needs. Adding all-white floral arrangements to a solid, dark-colored room brings a fresh contrast that will off-set the heavy colors and fabrics. Lend texture and sophistication to a stately room by using a bouquet of flowers of all one shade. White makes a statement and can showcase fragrance, texture and style that might be missed or overshadowed in a bouquet of mixed colors. The floral experts at Neubauer’s Flowers have created amazing designs that will leave you craving more white in your decorating pallet.
A classic design like our White Dozen Roses will take on a contemporary look when placed in the midst of deeper shades and heavier fabrics. Lighten and freshen a fall-inspired room with white roses that hint at the coming winter yet maintain the airiness of summer.

Give your heavy or darker areas a fresh burst of light and style with an all-white floral arrangement. A beautiful bouquet of white flowers can be the facelift your home or office could use. Perk up a dim room or bring a lightness to heavier furnishings with clean lines and fresh texture. Talk to the floral experts at Neubauer’s Flowers about the best way to include white flowers in your home or office.